
Podcasts, Interviews, Events, and more

Communication Tools & Cultural Insights

Are you interested in other countries & cultures and would love to learn more
about other people's values and beliefs as well as gain insights on how to
do business across cultures, then you are at the right place. 
Join our events & listen to our interviews and podcast episodes!


My goal is to prepare you for your next business trip abroad, to
avoid any blunders while traveling and doing business with other cultures, how to communicate and deal with differences.

When it comes to communication across cultures, it is not only about the language. Therefore, I will regularly be interviewing people from different countries such as expats, frequent travellers, interculturalist, and coaches who share their stories and experiences and talk about the differences and perhaps even similarities between countries and cultures.

If you are interested in OTHER CULTURES, follow my CultureTalks  or get in touch to schedule a free call.

And, in case you want to be part of it & share YOUR STORY
👉 contact me by email or schedule your interview now!

Talk soon!


“If you talk to a man in a language he understands,
that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.” – Nelson Mandela

This podcast covers answers to frequently asked questions related to language learning and intercultural competence.

If you are a travel enthusiast, an expat, a diplomatic wife, a manager or leader it isn’t only about speaking the client’s language; it’s about understanding your own identity, beliefs and values and those of others to be able to do business across cultures and live a happy life abroad.

Hence, this podcast will provide you with cultural insights and the DO’s and DON’Ts to avoid miscommunication and putting your foot in.


Throughout the year there will be both virtual and live events for you to join. My goal is to bring people closer together, and for you to experience diversity at its best.

Scattered around the world – we have one thing in common:
We want to connect!  

Workshops, Training & LinkedIn LIVEs

  • Culture Shock & how to deal with it
  • Culture Clash – Organizational culture vs. personal identity
  • Language Meetups
  • LinkedIn LIVEs
  • … and much more
Register for the CultureNews, to stay up to date!


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